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Social media | using social media | profile, content, messenger, web applications, etc. | Users get access to a feed platform with social media plus 14 platforms with popular web apps. |
Promotion | partnering with Umbrellapps through innovative entrepreneurial activities | bonuses, faucet rewards, coin airdrops, selling/purchasing digital products/services, etc. | Users may receive a welcome bonus equivalent to 5 USD (+2 USD with a referrer code), win 1000 USD for every 100th new user, and claim more from a passive faucet. No investment is possible with the promotion account. |
Business | using Umbrellapps in business activities | advertising, infuencing, commercial content placing, etc. | Users such as artists, musicians, scientists etc. may promote their content. |
Developer | developing digital projects for or with Umbrellapps | grants, API, etc. | Users such as software developers or influencers with high quality content may contribute to portal development. |
Bot | accessing automated bots | automated data management and orders, etc. | Users may get access to automated bots able to manage data, orders, etc. |
By activating account extensions you can add new functionalities to your account and get benefits.
A user is not allowed to have more than 1 account with separate usernames. Any multiple accounts will be terminated automatically. It is allowed to have only 1 account per person and per IP. All accounts violating these terms will be initially flagged. If the violation repeats, the flagged accounts will be deleted and e-mail will be permanently banned. Users trying to cheat the portal waste their time and our time.