Broadcast messenger

Broadcast Messenger is a messaging app and a chat with a wide reach. Everyone can read and type unrestricted publicly visible messages.

Nata: hi
as: hi
uu: ui
hh: uuu
hh: hh
Guru: hi
me: hi
Guru: so nice
me: Have a nice evening
Guru: thanks, bye bye
QW: hey
S90: 57 f)
Andrew: Tomorrow at 7pm
D: OK, no problem, see you
Andrew: bye
Mia: I have posted a new trip, join me!
Lucas: Nice portal, a lot of useful apps not available elsewhere, thank you
Alan: Check the Freelance marketplace app and join one of the freelance projects
Peter: Book

Broadcast Messenger Rules
- English language preferred
- Make clear sentences
- Be nice with others
Thanks, nice messaging.