How-to-pay instructions

Several digital products and services are free to use on the Umbrellapps portal.

If you wish to buy a digital product or service or order a new one follow these payment instructions.

The Umbrellapps portal accepts payments in EUR, BTC, ETH, BNB, TRX, LBRC, SMPLC, OMBRL, SVNG, A coins, and R coins.

Steps to pay, order, and obtain a digital product or service:

1) Decide which product(s) or service(s) you wish to purchase by searchig the Umbrellapps portal.

2) Check the pricing list. for current price(s).

3) Take minimum payment amounts into consideration: Equivalent of 1 EUR - Earn platform balance; 5 EUR - BTC, ETH, BNB, TRX, LBRC, SMPLC, OMBRL, and SVNG; 500 EUR - EUR. If you pay less than minimum or required your order will be cancelled and you will receive a refund in USDT to your Earn balance. We may consider accepting the payment when the amount is up to 10% lower. If you pay more than required you will receive the overpayment refunded in USDT to your Earn balance.

4) Calculate payment amount using our currency converter calculator. The amount must be consistent on the date of transfer.

5) Pay using your Earn platform balance and continue from step 8).

6) Pay in cryptocurrencies and continue from step 8).

Pay to one of the following blockchain wallet addresses:

BTC: 1JrCcAYtfgaovAW6RDo7kQZBKmwhN7q9ef

ETH: 0x8371032e53d077dCE83a4Fc3D28F6465fa9C9d67

TRX: TBoebxfK4UanxBR6jbF7h8MdDrCgvhTh7C

E-mail us for other coins addresses.

7) Pay in EUR and continue from step 8).

E-mail us for IBAN and EUR transfer details.

We don't accept other FIAT currencies.

8) Order digital product(s) or service(s) providing payment identification details.

9) Obtain digital products as an email attachement within 48 hours after payment verification. Access services using online communication tools. Access code will be updated in your Earn platform account.