Donate us

We are a small group of visionaries, developers, enthusiasts of portals, practical web apps, decentralisation, and DAO. We rely on our own funds.

If you wish to donate our goals we would be very grateful and it would significantly accelerate Umbrellapps development.

The donation will be entirely allocated to financing the acquisition of new users and grants for new developers. It will increase Umbrellapps community and faster add new features. Even small amounts make a difference.

Send your donation to one of the following blockchain wallet addresses in BTC, ETH, or TRX.

Alternatively scan convinient QR codes which have been generated by the QR code generator already available on Umbrellapps. QR codes below use the BIP21 standard and will conviniently automatically prefill the address and amount in your wallet, awaiting only your one click send transaction approval.

BTC address: 1JrCcAYtfgaovAW6RDo7kQZBKmwhN7q9ef

0.1 BTC

0.1 BTC

0.01 BTC

0.01 BTC

0.001 BTC

0.001 BTC

0.0001 BTC

0.0001 BTC

ETH address: 0x8371032e53d077dCE83a4Fc3D28F6465fa9C9d67



0.3 ETH

0.3 ETH

0.03 ETH

0.03 ETH

0.003 ETH

0.003 ETH

TRX address: TBoebxfK4UanxBR6jbF7h8MdDrCgvhTh7C

50000 TRX

50000 TRX

5000 TRX

5000 TRX

500 TRX

500 TRX

50 TRX

50 TRX

Libereco (LBRC), Simpleco (SMPLC), Ombrelo (OMBRL), and Svingi (SVNG) will be soon enabled for donations.

E-mail us for other coins addresses, especially if you have coins that you can't use otherwise. Thank you.