__FILE__ - current file path: /home/umbrelr/www/src/views/dashboard/searchWebApps.php
dirname(__FILE__) - current directory: /home/umbrelr/www/src/views/dashboard
SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] - document root: /home/umbrelr/www
getcwd() - current working directory: /home/umbrelr/www/src/views/dashboard
__DIR__ - the directory path of the current script in its current directory not in the directory where it is executed: /home/umbrelr/www/src/views/dashboard
Short name: index
Platform: -
Subplatform: -
Description: An ad-free social media portal designed for everyday life, work, and business. The portal implements all needful social media functionalities such as profiles, content, secret messaging, comments, reactions, subscriptions, searching, hashtags, web applications, and more.
Keywords: web application, portal, Umbrellapps, platform, Advertise, AI, Blockchain, Conference, Cure, Cybersecure, Dashboard, Date, Earn, E-shop, Feed, Fitness, Innovate, Network, News, Plan, Play, innovation, life, work, business, social media, messaging, browser games, Umbrellapps portal, social media, content, website development, entrepreneurship
Short name: umbrellappsPortal
Platform: -
Subplatform: -
Description: Umbrellapps features are characterised through portal attributes, platforms, account types and extensions, and digital resources.
Keywords: feature, portal, Umbrellapps, platform, attributes, platforms, account types and extensions, digital resources
Short name: account
Platform: Dashboard
Subplatform: -
Description: User account status and data are displayed, including variables and activities.
Keywords: user account, portal, Umbrellapps, status, data, variables, activities
Short name: settings
Platform: Dashboard
Subplatform: -
Description: Users can adjust account settings, set privacy features, add/remove account extensions.
Keywords: user account, account settings, portal, Umbrellapps, status, privacy features, account extensions
Short name: loginData
Platform: Dashboard
Subplatform: -
Description: Collect login credentials and initiate user log in.
Keywords: log in, log in credenetials, portal, Umbrellapps
Short name: registerNewUser
Platform: Dashboard
Subplatform: -
Description: Register a new user into Umbrellapps portal.
Keywords: register, new user, portal, Umbrellapps
Short name: searchWebApps
Platform: Dashboard
Subplatform: -
Description: Search web applications in the Umbrellapps portal.
Keywords: search web applications, platform, keyword, keywords, portal, Umbrellapps
Short name: donateUs
Platform: Dashboard
Subplatform: -
Description: Donate ad-free Umbrellapps portal, to strengthen its activities, support team, appreciate social contribution, increase technical quality.
Keywords: donate, donation, portal, Umbrellapps, strengthen activities, support team, appreciate social contribution, increase technical quality
Short name: forDevelopers
Platform: Dashboard
Subplatform: -
Description: Invitation for developers.
Keywords: developers, developer, development, invitation, collaboration, contribution, grant
Short name: feedPlatform
Platform: Feed
Subplatform: -
Description: Feed platform is a social media platform allowing to use, create, and share content while networking with others.
Keywords: feed, social media, platform, portal, Umbrellapps, use content, create content, share content, networking
Short name: feedProfile
Platform: Feed
Subplatform: -
Description: Feed profile for Feed platform users displaying the characteristics of social media content, statistics, and subscriptions.
Keywords: feed, social media, platform, portal, Umbrellapps, characteristics of social media content, social media statistics, social media subscriptions
Short name: wall
Platform: Feed
Subplatform: -
Description: Wall allows to create and share social media content (i.e. feed) and allows to select the content with specific attributes. It allows to react to social media content and sort the content by various statistics.
Keywords: wall, platform, Wall, feed, social media, portal, Umbrellapps, content, create content, share content, network, select content, content attributes, react to content, sort content, social media statistics
Short name: addContent
Platform: Feed
Subplatform: -
Description: Create and add content to Wall. The created content will be shared via Wall as a social media channel to users worldwide.
Keywords: create social media content, add social media content, Wall, Feed, feed, social media, portal, Umbrellapps
Short name: directMessenger
Platform: Feed
Subplatform: -
Description: Direct messenger is a text based communication app which allows to send free messages to others. A logged Umbrellapps portal user can instantly send private messages to another user.
Keywords: direct messenger, communication tool, private communication, message, portal, Umbrellapps, instant private messaging
Short name: directMessengerSearchContacts
Platform: Feed
Subplatform: -
Description: A search tool designed to check existing contacts on Direct Messenger network.
Keywords: search Direct Messenger users network, email address, phone number, Direct Messenger, Feed, Umbrellapps
Short name: broadcastMessenger
Platform: Feed
Subplatform: -
Description: Read and type publicly visible messages using Broadcast Messenger. It is an open messenger and a chat. Messaging is unrestricted, everyone can write and see broadcasted messages.
Keywords: chat, open messenger, broadcast messenger, unrestricted messenger, communication tool, portal, Umbrellapps, instant public messaging
Short name: wallReactionsRankings
Platform: Feed
Subplatform: -
Description: User reactions to social media content enable to sort and rank the content by various statistics. The provided rankings reflect how social media content is received by users and highlight specific contents.
Keywords: Wall, Feed, platform, social media, Umbrellapps portal, content, sort content, rank content, rankings, social media statistics, user reactions, highlight content
Short name: learnPlatform
Platform: Learn
Subplatform: -
Description: Learn is a platform designed to facilitate access to distant learning and modern learning tools and services.
Keywords: Learn platform, Umbrellapps portal, learning, distant learning, online lesson, learning tool
Short name: NextEdgeCollege
Platform: Learn
Subplatform: -
Description: NextEdge College students gain education with a competitive edge in modern fields including business, technology, and linguistics.
Keywords: learning, college, education, teaching, distant learning, business, technology, linguistics, English, Math, grinds, Learn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: whiteboard
Platform: Learn
Subplatform: -
Description: Whiteboard is a virtual tool for online lessons that mimics the functionality of a physical whiteboard in a classroom. It allows teachers and students to interact visually in real time, making lessons more engaging and collaborative.
Keywords: whiteboard, virtual learning tool, classroom whiteboard, visual interaction, engaging learning, collaborative education, distant learning, Math, grinds, Learn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: voiceComm
Platform: Learn
Subplatform: -
Description: voiceComm is a virtual tool for online lessons that allows for real-time voice communication. It allows teachers and students to communicate by voice with the functionalities of planning lessons upfront and flexibly arrange 1:1 and group lessons.
Keywords: voiceComm, voice communication, virtual learning tool, oral interaction, engaging learning, collaborative education, distant learning, English, linguistics, grinds, Learn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: downloadSpeech
Platform: Learn
Subplatform: -
Description: A tool for recording and downloading a speech, e.g. to support distant learning.
Keywords: speech, recording, speech downloading, English, Learn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: EDUKitE
Platform: Learn
Subplatform: -
Description: A tool for uploading educational materials for authorised students, primarily in English lessons. It creates a permanent online learning resource with access for authorised students.
Keywords: upload educational material, online learning resource, authorised access, English, Learn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: EDUKitM
Platform: Learn
Subplatform: -
Description: A tool for uploading educational materials for authorised students, primarily in Math lessons. It creates a permanent online learning resource with access for authorised students.
Keywords: upload educational material, online learning resource, authorised access, Math, Learn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: calculator
Platform: Learn
Subplatform: -
Description: A flexible calculator with simple and advanced layouts.
Keywords: calculator, Math, Learn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: englishGrammarQuiz
Platform: Learn
Subplatform: -
Description: An English grammar quiz.
Keywords: grammar quiz, English, Learn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: englishVocabularyDefinitions
Platform: Learn
Subplatform: -
Description: English vocabulary definitions to support self learning.
Keywords: vocabulary definitions, English, Learn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: mathQuiz
Platform: Learn
Subplatform: -
Description: A Math quiz.
Keywords: Math quiz, Learn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: mathEquations
Platform: Learn
Subplatform: -
Description: A tool for solving equations.
Keywords: solving equations, Learn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: webProgrammingQuiz
Platform: Learn
Subplatform: -
Description: A web programming quiz.
Keywords: web programming quiz, Learn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: webProgrammingBasics
Platform: Learn
Subplatform: -
Description: A tool for learning web programming basics.
Keywords: web programming basics, Learn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: webProgrammingToDoList
Platform: Learn
Subplatform: -
Description: A simple to-do list for web programming self-learning.
Keywords: to-do list, web programming, Learn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: webProgrammingCodeEditor
Platform: Learn
Subplatform: -
Description: A code editor with 3 windows for html, css and javascript and 1 window for output enabling to learn how basic code is edited and executed.
Keywords: code editor, web programming, Learn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: playPlatform
Platform: Play
Subplatform: -
Description: Play is a gaming platform designed to facilitate access to browser games.
Keywords: Play platform, Umbrellapps portal, games, gaming, player, browser game, online game
Short name: playProfile
Platform: Play
Subplatform: -
Description: A profile for a Play platform user.
Keywords: profile, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: enemy
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Action
Description: Enemy game.
Keywords: Enemy game, Action subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: breakout
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Arcade
Description: Breakout game.
Keywords: Breakout game, Arcade subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: tetris
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Arcade
Description: Tetris game.
Keywords: Tetris game, Arcade subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: digdug
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Arcade
Description: DigDug game.
Keywords: DigDug game, Arcade subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: pacman
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Arcade
Description: Pacman game.
Keywords: Pacman game, Arcade subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: superMarioBros
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Arcade
Description: Super Mario Bros game.
Keywords: Super Mario Bros game, Arcade subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: roadFighter
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Arcade
Description: Road fighter game.
Keywords: Road fighter game, Arcade subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: pointsBetting
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Card and Board
Description: Points betting game.
Keywords: Points betting game, Card and Board subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: tictactoe
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Card and Board
Description: Tictactoe game.
Keywords: Tictactoe game, Card and Board subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: snake
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Casual
Description: Snake game.
Keywords: Snake game, Casual subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: typingSpeed
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Educational
Description: Typing speed game.
Keywords: Typing speed game, Educational subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: piano
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Music and Rhythm
Description: Piano game.
Keywords: Piano game, Music and Rhythm subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: whiteboardDrawing
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Party
Description: Whiteboard drawing game.
Keywords: Whiteboard drawing game, Party subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: memoryUmbrellapps
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Puzzle
Description: Memory Umbrellapps game.
Keywords: Memory Umbrellapps game, Puzzle subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: numberGuessing
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Puzzle
Description: Number guessing game.
Keywords: Number guessing game, Puzzle subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: wordGuessing
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Puzzle
Description: Word guessing game.
Keywords: Word guessing game, Puzzle subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: bubbleShooter
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Puzzle
Description: Bubble shooter game.
Keywords: Bubble shooter game, Puzzle subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: sudoku
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Puzzle
Description: Sudoku game.
Keywords: Sudoku game, Puzzle subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: battle
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Simulation
Description: Battle game.
Keywords: Battle game, Simulation subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: plantTrees
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Simulation
Description: Plant trees game.
Keywords: Plant trees game, Simulation subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: checker
Platform: Play
Subplatform: Strategy
Description: Checker game.
Keywords: Checker game, Strategy subplatform, Play platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: e-shopPlatform
Platform: E-shop
Subplatform: -
Description: E-shop is an e-commerce platform designed to provide e-commerce services and tools with focus on digital products and digital services.
Keywords: E-shop platform, Umbrellapps portal, e-commerce, e-commerce service, e-commerce tool, digital product, digital service, online shop, purchase
Short name: UmbrellappsE-books
Platform: E-shop
Subplatform: -
Description: Online shop selling e-books. The store also accepts third party e-books for sale on a commission basis.
Keywords: UmbrellappsE-books online store, e-books, selling e-books, third party e-books, commission based sale, E-shop platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: UmbrellappsOnlineShop
Platform: E-shop
Subplatform: -
Description: Online shop selling digital products and services, except e-books. The store also accepts third party digital products and services for sale on a commission basis.
Keywords: Umbrellapps online shop, selling digital products and services, third party digital products, commission based sale, E-shop platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: orderDigitalProductsServices
Platform: E-shop
Subplatform: -
Description: Supportive service for Umbrellapps online shop and Umbrellapps E-books. The service allows to place purchase orders.
Keywords: Umbrellapps online shop, Umbrellapps E-books, E-shop platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: pricingList
Platform: E-shop
Subplatform: -
Description: Pricig list for Umbrellapps online shop and Umbrellapps E-books.
Keywords: pricing list, Umbrellapps online shop, Umbrellapps E-books, E-shop platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: howToPayInstructions
Platform: E-shop
Subplatform: -
Description: Instruction how to pay in Umbrellapps online shop and Umbrellapps E-books.
Keywords: how to pay instructions, Umbrellapps online shop, Umbrellapps E-books, E-shop platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: discountCodes
Platform: E-shop
Subplatform: -
Description: Online shop selling digital products and services, except e-books. The store also accepts third party digital products and services for sale on a commission basis.
Keywords: discount code, Umbrellapps online shop, Umbrellapps E-books, E-shop platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: conferencePlatform
Platform: Conference
Subplatform: -
Description: Conference is a platform designed to support the organisation of coferences.
Keywords: Conference platform, Umbrellapps portal, Finance and FinTech - Research and Business, FFTRB2027, Sustainable Solutions for Growth - Research and Business, SSGRB2026, Renewable Energy Sources - Research and Business, RESRB2027, Information and Communication Technology - Research and Business, ICTRB2026, conference, innovation
Short name: upcomingConferences
Platform: Conference
Subplatform: -
Description: Upcoming conferences aggregates information on all near future conferences with social media and dissemination support from Umbrellapps portal.
Keywords: upcoming coferences, Conference platform, Umbrellapps portal, Finance and FinTech - Research and Business, FFTRB2027, Sustainable Solutions for Growth - Research and Business, SSGRB2026, Renewable Energy Sources - Research and Business, RESRB2027, Information and Communication Technology - Research and Business, ICTRB2026
Short name: SSGRB2026
Platform: Conference
Subplatform: -
Description: 3rd Sustainable Solutions for Growth - Research and Business SSGRB2026 conference.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, conference, innovation, management, sustainability, economy, innovation, business, research, Conference platform, Umbrellapps portal, Sustainable Solutions for Growth - Research and Business, SSGRB2026
Short name: ICTRB2026
Platform: Conference
Subplatform: -
Description: 1st Information and Communication Technology - Research and Business ICTRB2026 conference.
Keywords: information and communication technology, software, artificial intelligence, business, research, Conference platform, Umbrellapps portal, Information and Communication Technology - Research and Business, ICTRB2026
Short name: RESRB2027
Platform: Conference
Subplatform: -
Description: 6th Renewable Energy Sources - Research and Business RESRB2027 conference.
Keywords: renewable energy, solar, photovoltaics, wind, hydro, bioenergy, business, research, Conference platform, Umbrellapps portal, Renewable Energy Sources - Research and Business, RESRB2027
Short name: FFTRB2027
Platform: Conference
Subplatform: -
Description: 1st Finance and FinTech - Research and Business FFTRB2027 conference.
Keywords: finance, fintech, payment, networks, innovation, technology, business, research, Conference platform, Umbrellapps portal, Finance and FinTech - Research and Business, FFTRB2027
Short name: conferenceAlerts
Platform: Conference
Subplatform: -
Description: Conference alerts aggregates information on all high quality near future conferences.
Keywords: conference alerts, high quality conference, main stream conference, leading, scientific, dissemination, article
Short name: innovatePlatform
Platform: Innovate
Subplatform: -
Description: Innovate is a platform focused on innovation. It hosts services and tools that enable to plan, initialise, strenghten, and facilitate implementation of innovations. It also aims at research dissemination, networking and business development.
Keywords: innovation, business, planning, initialising, stregthening, implementing, research dissemination, research application, networking, business development, Innovate platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: innovateProfile
Platform: Innovate
Subplatform: -
Description: Innovate profile provides innovation related information such as survey and matchmaking.
Keywords: innovation, survey, matchmaking, Innovate platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: innovationTools
Platform: Innovate
Subplatform: -
Description: Innovation tools of Innovate platform are presented and briefly summarised.
Keywords: innovation tools, summary, Innovate platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: InnovateWise
Platform: Innovate
Subplatform: -
Description: InnovateWise is an innovation agency.
Keywords: innovation agency, Innovate platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: BinnovatioJournal
Platform: Innovate
Subplatform: -
Description: Binnovatio Journal disseminates research results related to innovation.
Keywords: innovative research, journal, article, Innovate platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: matchmaking
Platform: Innovate
Subplatform: -
Description: Matchmaking allows to find matches in various groups such as researchers, entrepreneurs, consultants, job seekers, granting agencies.
Keywords: matchmaking, Innovate platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: survey
Platform: Innovate
Subplatform: -
Description: Survey collects information facilitating matchmaking and networking.
Keywords: survey, networking, Innovate platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: freelanceMarketplace
Platform: Innovate
Subplatform: -
Description: Freelance marketplace allows freelancers to organise into small teams or work solo on small projects with Umbrellapps support. It helps to find freelancers for projects.
Keywords: freelance, freelancer, project, collaboration, social interaction, innovation, marketplace, Innovate platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: advertisePlatform
Platform: Advertise
Subplatform: -
Description: Advertise is a platform providing services and tools for advertising.
Keywords: advertising, advert, ad, advertisement, digital marketing, networking, business development, Advertise platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: 4DT
Platform: Advertise
Subplatform: -
Description: 4DT is a digital marketing agency.
Keywords: digital marketig, advertising, for digital thrive,, Advertise platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: webinars
Platform: Advertise
Subplatform: -
Description: Webinars is an app for orgaising webinars and disseminate video content.
Keywords: advertising, video content, webinar, digital marketing, Advertise platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: websiteWithAdverts
Platform: Advertise
Subplatform: -
Description: Shows how to employ technologies for website advertising.
Keywords: advertising, website, digital marketing, Advertise platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: advertisingService
Platform: Advertise
Subplatform: -
Description: This advertising service allows users to view ads and create ads campaigns.
Keywords: advertising service, digital marketing, Advertise platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: generateServicePage
Platform: Advertise
Subplatform: -
Description: Users can automatically generate service websites with contact details and service description ready for posting on social media or sending to customers.
Keywords: advertising tool, service website, Advertise platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: handymanPerHour
Platform: Advertise
Subplatform: -
Description: Browse service websites.
Keywords: service website, browse websites, Advertise platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: QRCodeReader
Platform: Advertise
Subplatform: -
Description: QR code reader available online.
Keywords: QR code, online QR code reader, Advertise platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: QRCodeGenerator
Platform: Advertise
Subplatform: -
Description: QR code generator available online.
Keywords: QR code, QR code generator, online tool, Advertise platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: freeSoftwareDownload
Platform: Advertise
Subplatform: -
Description: Download free software from recommended websites.
Keywords: free software, download, Advertise platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: newsPlatform
Platform: News
Subplatform: -
Description: News is a platform for monitoring, highlighting and opining impactful information, especially related to digital technology and economy.
Keywords: news, monitoring, opining, highlighting, impactful information, News platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: headlinesMonitor
Platform: News
Subplatform: -
Description: Advertise is a platform providing services and tools for advertising.
Keywords: advertising, advert, ad, advertisement, digital marketing, networking, business development, News platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: weatherLocationRealTime
Platform: News
Subplatform: -
Description: To check weather for various locations in real-time.
Keywords: weather, various locations, real-time monitoring, News platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: influencialNumbers
Platform: News
Subplatform: -
Description: To provide influencial numbers in areas such as finance, economy, currency, markets, etc. Data are updated through APIs so that data are always up to date.
Keywords: influencial data, API, real time, News platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: datePlatform
Platform: Date
Subplatform: -
Description: Date is a platform for dating, entertaining and giving pleasure.
Keywords: date, entertain, please, give pleasure, Date platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: createProfile
Platform: Date
Subplatform: -
Description: Create a profile on the Date platform.
Keywords: create dating profile, date, Date platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: searchProfiles
Platform: Date
Subplatform: -
Description: Search profiles on the Date platform.
Keywords: search profiles, date, Date platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: giftsToGive
Platform: Date
Subplatform: -
Description: Analysis of the best potential gifts by voting and adding new gifts.
Keywords: gift, vote, Date platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: jokes
Platform: Date
Subplatform: -
Description: Having fun by reading jokes. Vote for the best jokes and ad new jokes.
Keywords: joking, entertain, jokes, Date platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: fitnessPlatform
Platform: Fitness
Subplatform: -
Description: Fitness is a platform for helping to stay fit.
Keywords: stay fit, loose weight, training, jogging, diet, Fitness platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: bodyMassControl
Platform: Fitness
Subplatform: -
Description: Control body mass.
Keywords: body mass, control, Fitness platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: dietPlanning
Platform: Fitness
Subplatform: -
Description: Diet planning by calculating energy contents of food.
Keywords: diet, calories, Fitness platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: activityPlanning
Platform: Fitness
Subplatform: -
Description: Allows to plan activity and calculates burned calories as % of BMR.
Keywords: activities, planning, Fitness platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: curePlatform
Platform: Cure
Subplatform: -
Description: Cure is a platform providing medical grade web apps aimed at providing support in some types of diseases which can be effectively curated using digital technologies. Our web apps seek ways to automate and thus reduce costs in the curation processes.
Keywords: cure, medical apps, Cure platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: cureAlzheimerDisease
Platform: Cure
Subplatform: -
Description: A browser game which can deliver training supportive in the curation of the Alzheimer disease.
Keywords: cure, Alzheimer disease, memory training, Cure platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: earnPlatform
Platform: Earn
Subplatform: -
Description: Earn is a platform providing education about digital finance technologies.
Keywords: earn, education, Earn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: cryptoGiveaway
Platform: Earn
Subplatform: -
Description: Everyone can earn small amounts of free cryptocurrencies.
Keywords: cryptocurrency giveaway, free facuet, free cryptocurrencies, education, Earn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: redeemCoupon
Platform: Earn
Subplatform: -
Description: Redeem coupon.
Keywords: redeem coupon, Earn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: balances
Platform: Earn
Subplatform: -
Description: Provides balances and other related information for accounts with promotion extension.
Keywords: balance, promotion extension, Earn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: passiveFaucet
Platform: Earn
Subplatform: -
Description: Passive faucet allows to passively earn free cryptocurrencies. Its full functionalities are available only in accounts with promotion extension.
Keywords: passive facuet, free cryptocurrencies, Earn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: flexibleStaking
Platform: Earn
Subplatform: -
Description: Flexible stakig/unstaking of assets. Collection of staking rewards. Full functionalities available only in accounts with promotion extension.
Keywords: staking, staking rewards, education, Earn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: withdrawalService
Platform: Earn
Subplatform: -
Description: Withdrawal service allows users to withdraw their funds to a blockchain address for educational purposes. Full functionalities are available in accounts with promotion extension.
Keywords: withdrawal, education, Earn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: redemptionRCoins
Platform: Earn
Subplatform: -
Description: Explanation how R coins can be redeemed. Full functionalities are available in accounts with promotion extension.
Keywords: redemption, R coins, education, Earn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: portfolioAnalyser
Platform: Earn
Subplatform: -
Description: Create, monitor, and analyse the portfolio of real or hypothetical investment assets. Full functionalities are available in accounts with promotion extension.
Keywords: portfolio, assets, analysis, education, Earn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: currencyConverterCalculator
Platform: Earn
Subplatform: -
Description: Calculate the conversion of currencies and cryptocurrencies. Full functionalities are available in accounts with promotion extension.
Keywords: currency converter, calculation, education, Earn platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: planPlatform
Platform: Plan
Subplatform: -
Description: Plan is a platform providing services and tools for planning tasks, work, resources, etc.
Keywords: plan, plannig, tasks, work, resources, Plan platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: countdownTimer
Platform: Plan
Subplatform: -
Description: Countdown timer tool helps to plan tasks and meet deadlines.
Keywords: countdow timer, meet deadline, Plan platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: budgetPlanner
Platform: Plan
Subplatform: -
Description: A tool for plannig budget for a purchase.
Keywords: budget plannig, purchase, Plan platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: touristItinerary
Platform: Plan
Subplatform: -
Description: Tools for plannig tourist's itinerary.
Keywords: trip planning, itinerary planning, Plan platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: findFellowParticipantsForTheTrip
Platform: Plan
Subplatform: -
Description: A tool for finding fellow participants for the trip. Organise trips by contacting potential fellow participants.
Keywords: trip, travel, trip organisation, budget, team collection, destination, Plan platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: serviceFeedback
Platform: Plan
Subplatform: -
Description: A tool for customer feedback tracking and evaluating. Enables to collect feedback from customers and sythesize a report for service provider.
Keywords: customer feedback, service provider, feedback tracking, Plan platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: aiPlatform
Platform: AI
Subplatform: -
Description: AI is a platform providing services and tools for AI (Artificial Intelligence).
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, services and tools, AI platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: TechPulseSync
Platform: AI
Subplatform: -
Description: TechPulseSync is an IT and AI development agency. The goal of TechPulseSync is to support the adoption of new technologies across companies, especially SMEs. It develops software, information systems and networks.
Keywords: TechPulseSync, AI, IT, SMEs, AI platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: linearRegression
Platform: AI
Subplatform: -
Description: A tool for linear regression as a basic mathematical AI technology. It utilizes linear regression for predictive modeling.
Keywords: linear regression, predictive modeling, AI, AI platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: optimiseFunction
Platform: AI
Subplatform: -
Description: A tool for the optimisation of a function as a basic mathematical AI technology. It implements the gradient descent optimisation algorithm to minimise a function.
Keywords: function optimisation, gradient descent optimisation algorithm, AI, AI platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: anomalyDetectionInFinancialTransaction
Platform: AI
Subplatform: -
Description: Anomaly detection as a basic mathematical AI technology. The app allows to detect anomalies in financial transactions.
Keywords: anomaly detection, financial trasactions, AI, AI platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: textAnalysis
Platform: AI
Subplatform: -
Description: A tool for text analysis such as keywords extraction, summarizing and other similar techniques.
Keywords: text analysis, keywords extraction, summarising, AI, AI platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: blockchainPlatform
Platform: Blockchain
Subplatform: -
Description: Blockchain is a platform providing services and tools for blockchain technologies.
Keywords: blockchain, services and tools, Blockchain platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: liberecoNetwork
Platform: Blockchain
Subplatform: -
Description: The Libereco network is a cryptocurrency network designed to address the pressing issues of scalability, security, and privacy in the blockchain space.
Keywords: Libereco network, blockchain, scalability, security, privacy, Blockchain platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: microPaymentService
Platform: Blockchain
Subplatform: -
Description: A micro payment service ready for easy integration into websites as an additional payment option. The app allows to understand the benefits from integrating this micro payment service into business websites.
Keywords: micro payment service, blockchain, integration, payment options, Blockchain platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: votingSystemForDAO
Platform: Blockchain
Subplatform: -
Description: A voting system for a DAO explained and demonstrated.
Keywords: voting system, DAO, Blockchain platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: cybersecurePlatform
Platform: Cybersecure
Subplatform: -
Description: Cybersecure is a platform providing services and tools for cybersecurity technologies.
Keywords: cybersecurity, services and tools, Cybersecure platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: cryptographicEncryption
Platform: Cybersecure
Subplatform: -
Description: A tool for encrypting and decrypting secret information. The app encrypts and decrypts a text message.
Keywords: cryptography, encryption, decryption, cybersecurity, Cybersecure platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: networkPlatform
Platform: Network
Subplatform: -
Description: Network is a platform providing services and tools for network technologies. It allows to investigate and optimise networks.
Keywords: networks, services and tools, Network platform, Umbrellapps portal
Short name: networkOptimisation
Platform: Network
Subplatform: -
Description: Networks are optimised. The app calculates optimal solution to a problem involving a network. It has the potential to increase profits from business activities such as transport, warehouse, etc.
Keywords: networks, services and tools, transport, warehouse, Network platform, Umbrellapps portal