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NextEdge College - a college for students seeking skills with a competitive edge in several modern fields. NextEdge College consists of School of Information and Communication Technology, School of Business, School of Mathematics, and School of English.

The college provides individual courses with 1 teacher supervising the learning process of only 1 student. The teacher-student communication is realised online with frequency adjusted to the educational needs of the student. NextEdge College provides a leaving certificate with details related to acquired education and skills. The exams are arranged online. Some part of the education process may be organised in-person.

While education in NextEdge College is primarily online, the college organises some exams and practical courses in several innovation hubs, such as Berlin, London, Dublin, Stockholm, Oslo, Barcelona, Madrid, Brussels, Amsterdam, Barcelona, New York, Dubai, Singapore, Toronto, and Vienna.

Our professors and lecturers have vast teaching expertise across international universities and obtained doctorates from leading universities in Europe. Our teachers and instructors have professional teaching experience and practical skills gained through work in educational institutions and companies, respectively.

Main reasons to choose NextEdge College

1. Professional Knowledge and Skills: The college is committed to providing an individually-tailored, career-focused learning experience for each individual student and developing the skills necessary for a rewarding career path.

2. Qualified Teaching Team: A qualified, industry-experienced teaching team will support students throughout the education process, preparing them for future professional challeges.

3. Flexible Learning System: Students learn effectively online from the comfort of their homes while keeping in touch with Innovation Hubs Cities.

4: Employability: Our courses are designed to elevate your career and help you acquire in-demand skills step by step. Created in collaboration with industry experts, our programs give you a competitive edge by combining academic qualifications with practical knowledge to apply directly in your career. The college offers employment offers from our partners interested in enrolling skilled employees in different professional areas for remote work and on-site work in innovation hub cities.

5. Innovation Hubs: Our Innovation Hubs are vibrant, cosmopolitan cities with countless cultural attractions, safe places to live, and attractive to work.

6. Networking Students: Students will build connections with other students, and learn about the world from different viewpoints becoming prepared to solving problems in global contexts.

7. Business Network: With our business network, students can form real connections with potetial employees, will have the opportunity to meet experts from the private sector, and built the relationships while studying.

8. Affordable Fees: NextEdge College ensures high level education at a very affordable fees. A basic educational unit is 1 teaching hour, i.e 45 minutes of an online 1:1 lesson. A student can purchase 1 lesson (45 min.), a block of lessons (multiple of 45 min.), or the entire course, 15 to 60 lessons 45 min. each. Prices start at 19 euro per 1 single 45 min. lesson. For lessons in blocks including min. 5 lessons 10% reduction applies, for the entire course from 15 to 60 lessons 15% reduction applies. The first 10 min. of each lessons is always free, so your purchased lesson can last longer or you can ask for explanation of one issue using NextEdge College system without incurrig any cost.

How To Apply

NextEdge College offers a wide range of part-time and full-time programmes to satisfy student expectations at all stages in their career. For Admission and Lesson or Course queries please contact: office@umbrellapps.ovh

About (continued)

NextEdge College is primarily an educational institution. It also carries out research. Moreover, NextEdge College manages the learn platform of the Umbrellapps portal.


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